Saturday 27 December 2014

saturday 27th december

My attempts at embedding a map have not really gone very well - just a tangle of code published onto the blog. I think I'll try and erase that - most unbecoming. I saw a lovely drama last night about a love affair between two middle aged people in 1969 - they had known each other from a time when they had sung in a choir back in 1929 or thereabouts and got together again after a documentary was made of that event. It was a BBC 2 production written by Victoria Wood and starring Michael Ball and Imelda Staunton with some great song and dance numbers done a little bit in the style of the Singing Detective but perhaps a little more warm-hearted. It struck me what a lovely cheerful and open hearted guy the Michael Ball character was - so opposite to prickly hostile me . My aim in the next year is to become kinder and more loving and lovable like this character - I have been way to selfish and cruel in my life and this has to change. Today I have, again with frustration and negativity in my heart been trying to get myself a new shopping and dieting regime together including the use of Quinoa which is supposed to release sugars very slowly. I want to eat more healthily and more strictly in general so this should help. I found a website on line, called My Supermarket which allows shoppers to compare all the prices of products from different supermarkets and of course, Aldi comes out top which is what you would expect.

Regarding the name of my blog, I've realised as someone had already mentioned on line, that it is perhaps better to do a 'life' blog, not just a specialist one and perhaps use 'pages' to put up other blogs or at least incorporate other aspects of my life into the same blog. Perhaps i could write reviews or poems about the things i have experienced or seen on line and please Jehovah or please allow me just to be a nicer person to be around and a morally better person - just more loving and kind. oh, by the way, I do feel lonely so would welcome any comments on my blog. But please be positive, thank you

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