Friday 26 December 2014

Tentative Beginnings

Well hello there my fellow bloggers and those who search for their loves and souls through this vast tangle of information we call the bloggersphere! I'm a newbie to this whole thing. I've got a lot of time on my hands and in some way want to start thinking that at least that I'm offering something up to the world that might be appreciated and helpful. On January the 13th I shall be getting my virgin Internet connection which should be quite fast and I need to decide what I can share with the world.
 Well, for one thing I've decided to start going out on long daily walks in my beloved West Oxfordshire where we really are blessed with some beautiful countryside. I can also use this opportunity to get more familiar with the history and folklore of the local flora and fauna. With this blog i aim to chart my walks ( I need to work out how to incorporate gps) and to post photos charting the year showing the different moods of nature and climate and offering interesting local history. On the one hand, this might get local people interested in what's out there and perhaps folk from more far afield might be able to get some insights into the wonderful nature and traditions of my local area.

anyway, today is all about trying to get my own head around this blogging thing. I'm now writing using my mothers laptop, as she presently has access to the Internet but I hope over the main part of the year to come, most of my content will be proffered up via my own PC which is still lonely and Internetless.

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